
Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON

Re thabela ho araba lipotso leha e le life, ka kopo romella lipotso le litaelo tsa hau.

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa

E Amanang le Video

Maikutlo (2)

Ka thekenoloji ea rona e etellang pele hape e le moea oa rona oa boqapi, tšebelisano-'moho, melemo le tsoelopele, re tla haha ​​​​bokamoso bo atlehileng 'moho le mokhatlo oa hau o hlomphuoang bakeng saMohaho oa Kantle oa Fiber Cable,Fiber Optic 24 Cores,Ftth Fiber Optic Splitter, Mokhatlo oa rona o 'nile oa fana ka "moreki pele"' me o ikemiselitse ho thusa bareki ho atolosa khoebo ea bona e nyenyane, e le hore e be Mookameli e Moholo !
Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON Lintlha:

Kenyelletso ea sehlahisoa

Sehlopha sa 5e (E ntlafalitsoeng) Cable e sebetsang hantle haholo e nang le lipara tse 4 tse sothehileng tse nang le 0.50 mm (24 AWG) li-conductor tse tiileng tsa koporo ka konokono, hammoho le thebe e tloaelehileng ea aluminium (FTP) le baki ea kantle ea PE bakeng sa ho hanyetsa ho bola. le boemo ba leholimo. . E sebelisoa haholo lits'ebetsong tsa marang-rang tse lebelo le holimo mme e tla tšehetsa Gigabit Ethernet ka maqhubu a fihlang ho 100Mhz. Ho sireletsa foil ho ka fokotsa matshwao a sa batleheng a maqhubu a phahameng a tswang dithapong tse ding tsa lehae kapa mehloling e meng ya lerata e kenang thapong.


Rigid Cat 5e FTP network cable le PVC mofuta sheath

'Mala o mosoeu oa cable

Metrado AWG 24

E ka fetisa data ka lebelo ho fihla ho 100 Mbps ka maqhubu a fihlang ho 100 MHz

E lumellana le ANSI/TIA/EIA568-B IEC11801-2 le melaoana ea Cenelec

EN 50173-1/EN50288-3-2

Ho paka ka lebokoseng le hatisitsoeng le nang le leibole e nang le tlhaloso


1. Mohala oa sebaka sa mosebetsi.

2. E ts'ehetsa mekhoa ea hona joale le ea nakong e tlang ea Sehlopha sa 5e tse kang: 1,000Base-T (Gigabit Ethernet), 100 Base-T, 10 Base-T, FDDI, ATM.


Lebitso la sehlahisoa Cable lan Cat5E FTP
Mofuta oa tšireletso FTP
Bolelele ba thapo 1000ft (305m)
Standard bandwidth 100 MHz
Tšehetso ea sekhahla sa data 100Base-TX
terata gauge 24 AWG
Mofuta oa mokhanni koporo e se nang letho
Bophara ba mokhanni 0,50 ± 0,01
'Mala oa mohala Boputsoa, ​​​​bosoeu, bosehla, bohlooho, botšo
Standard ISO / IEC 11801, ANSI / TIA-568-C.2
Mocheso oa ho sebetsa -20 ho isa ho 70 ° C
Mocheso oa ho kenya -20 ho isa ho 70 ° C
Boemo ba mohlala A log



mashome a mabeli le metso e 'meli

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON lintlha tse qaqileng

Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON lintlha tse qaqileng

Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON lintlha tse qaqileng

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Re totobatsa nts'etsopele le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ncha 'marakeng selemo se seng le se seng bakeng sa Precio inferior Cable De Red Cat5 - 4pr 24awg CAT5E Cable Ethernet PVC 0.5mm 1000ft Red Ethernet Cable - AIXTON , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Gambia , Egypt , Buenos Aires , Khamphani ea rona e khomarela moea oa "litšenyehelo tse tlase, boleng bo phahameng, le ho etsa melemo e mengata bakeng sa bareki ba rona". Ho sebelisa litalenta ho tsoa moleng o le mong le ho latela molao-motheo oa "botšepehi, tumelo e ntle, ntho ea 'nete le botšepehi", k'hamphani ea rona e na le tšepo ea ho fumana tsoelo-pele e tšoanang le bareki ba tsoang malapeng le linaheng tse ling!
  • Ka mor'a ho saena konteraka, re ile ra fumana thepa e khotsofatsang ka nako e khutšoanyane, sena ke moetsi ea babatsehang.
    5 LinaleliKa Maud ho tsoa Seattle - 2017.09.09 10:18
    The mofani wa thepa khomarela khopolo ea "boleng ba motheo, tšepa pele le tsamaiso e tsoetseng pele" e le hore ba ka etsa bonnete ba hore e ka tšeptjoang sehlahiswa boleng le bareki tsitsitseng.
    5 LinaleliKa Adela ho tloha Doha - 2018.12.22 12:52

    Re romelle lintlha tsa hau:


    Re romelle lintlha tsa hau: