
Theko ea Fektheri ea Underground Fiber Optic Cable - RG6 coaxial cables bakeng sa likhoele tsa puisano tsa data tsa CCTV/CATV rg6 coaxial cable theko - AIXTON

Re thabela ho araba lipotso leha e le life, ka kopo romella lipotso le litaelo tsa hau.

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa

E Amanang le Video

Maikutlo (2)

"Botšepehi, Boqapi, Bonono, le Bokhoni" e kanna ea ba mohopolo o phehellang oa mokhatlo oa rona ho fihlela nako e telele oa ho aha hammoho le bareki bakeng sa poelano e tšoanang le molemong oa ho thusana.48 Odf Fibers,Kantle Cat5e Stp Cable,Sehokelo sa Cat6 se Sirelelitsoeng, Sepheo sa rona ke ho theha boemo ba Win-win le bareki ba rona. Re lumela hore re tla ba khetho ea hau e ntle ka ho fetisisa. "Botumo Pele, Bareki ka ho Fetisisa. "E emetse tlhahlobo ea hau.
Theko ea Fektheri bakeng sa Underground Fiber Optic Cable - RG6 coaxial cables bakeng sa CCTV/CATV data cables rg6 coaxial cable theko - AIXTON Detail:

Kenyelletso ea sehlahisoa

RG6 coaxial cable e na le 1.00mm copper clad steel conductor e tiileng, polyethylene foam dielectric, tepi ea foil ea aluminium, braid ea aluminium, le sheath ea PVC ka kakaretso.


Tšitiso ea sebopeho: 75 ohms ± 3 ohms

Lebelo le tloaelehileng la phatlalatso: 85%

Bokhoni ba lebitso: 16.2 pF/ft

Tahlehelo ea ho khutla: 20dB min (5-2250 MHz)


RG6 coaxial cable e loketse lits'ebetso tse ngata, ho kenyelletsa le matšoao a video a matla a tlase, matšoao a video le mats'oao a Broadband. E boetse e sebelisoa liphatlalatsong tse phahameng tsa maqhubu, haholo-holo bakeng sa li-transmitters le li-receiver, lik'homphieutha, li-radio le TV.



Lintho tse bonahalang

CCS/Bare Koporo



1.02mm ± 0.01mm

Ho behwa ka thoko

Lintho tse bonahalang

PE foam/PE e tiileng


4.57mm ± 0.1mm


Lintho tse bonahalang



Lintho tse bonahalang

Lithapo AL / CCA / CU / TC


64/ 80/ 96/ 112/ 128/ 144 * 0.12mm


Lintho tse bonahalang

PVC / jekete ea PE


6.9mm ± 0.1mm



mashome a mabeli le metso e 'meli

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Theko ea Fektheri ea Underground Fiber Optic Cable - RG6 coaxial cables bakeng sa likhoele tsa puisano tsa data tsa CCTV/CATV rg6 coaxial cable theko - AIXTON litšoantšo tse qaqileng

Theko ea Fektheri ea Underground Fiber Optic Cable - RG6 coaxial cables bakeng sa likhoele tsa puisano tsa data tsa CCTV/CATV rg6 coaxial cable theko - AIXTON litšoantšo tse qaqileng

Theko ea Fektheri ea Underground Fiber Optic Cable - RG6 coaxial cables bakeng sa likhoele tsa puisano tsa data tsa CCTV/CATV rg6 coaxial cable theko - AIXTON litšoantšo tse qaqileng

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Re na le basebetsi ba rona ba thekiso ea lihlahisoa, basebetsi ba setaele, sehlopha sa tekheniki, basebetsi ba QC le basebetsi ba liphutheloana. Hona joale re na le mekhoa e tiileng ea tsamaiso ea boleng bo phahameng bakeng sa mokhoa o mong le o mong. Hape, basebetsi bohle ba rona ba na le phihlelo tabeng ea khatiso ea Precio de fábrica para Cable De Fibra Óptica Subterráneo - Cables coaxiales RG6 para cables de comunicación de datos CCTV / CATV precio del cable coaxial rg6 – AIXTON , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa hohle hohle. lefats'e, tse kang: Guatemala , Irish , Greek , Khampani ea rona e latela khopolo ea tsamaiso ea "boloka mekhoa e mecha, ho phehella bokhabane". Motheong oa ho netefatsa melemo ea lihlahisoa tse teng, re tsoela pele ho matlafatsa le ho atolosa nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa. Khamphani ea rona e tsitlallela ho nchafatsoa ho nts'etsapele nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng ea likhoebo, le ho re etsa hore re be bafani ba thepa ea lapeng ba boleng bo holimo.
  • Basebetsi ba lifeme ba na le tsebo e ngata ea indasteri le boiphihlelo ba ts'ebetso, re ithutile ho hongata ha re sebetsa le bona, re leboha haholo hore ebe re ka ba le k'hamphani e ntle e nang le basebetsi ba hloahloa.
    5 LinaleliKa Freda ho tsoa Czech republic - 2017.08.21 14:13
    Ke tšepa hore k'hamphani e ka khomarela moea oa khoebo oa "Boleng, Bokhoni, Boqapi le Botšepehi", e tla ba betere hape e be betere nakong e tlang.
    5 LinaleliKa Ryan ho tloha Florida - 2017.05.21 12:31

    Re romelle lintlha tsa hau:


    Re romelle lintlha tsa hau: