Cov khoom

OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Fiber Optic Cable 1 Core 2 Core 4 Core FTTH Fiber Down Cable SM G657A2 - AIXTON

Peb zoo siab los teb cov lus nug, thov xa koj cov lus nug thiab xaj.

Product Description

Cov ntawv cim khoom

Related Video

Cov lus teb (2)

Peb ib txwm xav thiab xyaum coj mus rau qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj. Peb tsom mus rau kev ua tiav ntawm lub siab thiab lub cev nplua nuj ntxiv rau kev ua neej nyobVaj Huam Sib Luag De Parche Cat6,12 Core Adss Fiber Optic Cable,Fiber Optic Drop Cable, Los ntawm peb kev ua haujlwm nyuaj, peb ib txwm ua nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm cov khoom siv technology tshiab. Peb yog tus khub ntsuab koj tuaj yeem tso siab rau. Tiv tauj peb hnub no kom paub ntau ntxiv!
OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Fiber Optic Cable 1 cores 2 cores 4 cores ftth fiber nco cable SM G657A2 - AIXTON Nthuav dav:


Ob lub core ca ncoo cable yog rau fiber ntau rau hauv tsev (FTTH) daim ntawv thov G657A2 cable yog tsim los ntawm ob hom fiber ntau tiv thaiv los ntawm dielectric zog tus tswv cuab ntawm fiber reinforced yas zog cov tswv cuab (FRP) thiab LSZH txheej tsho. lub teeb nyob rau hauv kev tsim kho thiab yooj yim rau nruab, feem ntau yog siv los txuas lub ntsiab faib thav duab mus rau consolidation point ntawm

tsev, tsev apartment lossis chaw ua haujlwm. Kev lag luam tus qauv txuas tuaj yeem ua tau

Nws yog siv rau kev txiav ncaj qha vim tus qauv 250 µm fiber ntau.


1. Tshwj xeeb qis khoov rhiab heev fiber ntau muab cov bandwidth loj thiab kev sib txuas lus zoo heev

2. Ob qhov sib npaug ntawm FRP cov tswv cuab kom muaj kev sib tsoo zoo ua haujlwm los tiv thaiv cov fiber ntau

3. Ib leeg hlau hlau raws li lub zog ntxiv ua kom muaj zog tensile zoo

4. Cov qauv yooj yim, lub teeb yuag thiab kev ua haujlwm siab.

5.New flute tsim, disassemble thiab splice yooj yim, yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm

6. Tsis tshua muaj pa luam yeeb, xoom halogen thiab nplaim retardant sheath

Daim ntawv thov

1. Sab hauv thiab sab nraum zoov FTTH

2. Haum rau txoj kev tso dav hlau thiab sab hauv tsev.

3. Cov cheeb tsam hauv cheeb tsam thiab kev sib txuas lus nyob deb deb.

Tsis muaj


Chav tsev


Fiber suav



Txoj kab uas hla


5.0 * 2.0

Qhov hnyav


Kwv yees 21

Npog xim



Npog cov khoom siv



DE steel hlau


1.0 ± 0.05 hli

zog member


0.5 hli FRP

Tensile zog



Crush tsis kam



Xov tooj cua Warp Dynamic






Ua haujlwm kub

-40 - 70

Test daim ntawv


Kev piav qhia


g:657a 1

Optical specifications

Attenuation @1310-1625nm


1383 ± 3nm




Dimming discontinuity

≤ 0.05 dB

Attenuation vs wavelength 1285-1330 nm


1525 ~ 1575 nm


Zero Dispersion Wavelength

1300-1324 nm

Zero Dispersion Slope

≤ 0.092ps / (

Dispersion @1310nm




Polarization Hom Dispersion (PMD)


Cable txiav wavelength (λcc)


Pab pawg zoo refractive index @1310nm

1.4675 ib


1.4681 ib

Macro poob nkhaus (30mm radius, 100turns) 1625nm

≤ 0.1 dB



Hom teb txoj kab uas hla @1310nm

9.2 ± 0.6 hli


10.4 ± 0.8 hli

Txoj kab uas hla

125 ± 1μm

Non-circularity ntawm txheej

≤ 1.0%

Txoj kab uas hla

245 ± 7 hli

Liner/lining concentricity yuam kev

≤ 8m

Core/cladding concentricity yuam kev

≤0.8 hli

Kws kho tsheb


Test Qib


Fiber khoov xov tooj cua


Max Liner Sawb Strength

1.3-8.9 Nr

Cov duab


Product details duab:

OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw Tsim Tshuaj - Fiber Optic Cable 1 cores 2 cores 4 cores ftth nco cable fiber ntau SM G657A2 - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw Tsim Tshuaj - Fiber Optic Cable 1 cores 2 cores 4 cores ftth nco cable fiber ntau SM G657A2 - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw Tsim Tshuaj - Fiber Optic Cable 1 cores 2 cores 4 cores ftth nco cable fiber ntau SM G657A2 - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

OEM Fiber Optic Ftth Chaw Tsim Tshuaj - Fiber Optic Cable 1 cores 2 cores 4 cores ftth nco cable fiber ntau SM G657A2 - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:

Peb muaj cov kws tshaj lij, pab neeg ua haujlwm zoo los muab kev pabcuam zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom. We always follow the tenet of customer-oriented, details-focused for Fabricante de OEM Fibra Óptica Ftth - Cable de fibra óptica 1 núcleo 2 núcleos 4 núcleos cable de descenso ftth fibra SM G657A2 – AIXTON , Cov khoom yuav muab rau tag nrho lub ntiaj teb no , xws li: Is Nrias teb , Latvia , Hongkong , Insisting on the high quality generation line management and customers experts help, tam sim no peb tau tsim peb cov kev daws teeb meem los muab peb cov neeg siv khoom siv los pib nrog cov nyiaj tau txais thiab tsuas yog tom qab cov kev pab cuam ua tau zoo. Kev tswj hwm tus phooj ywg kev sib raug zoo nrog peb cov neeg yuav khoom, txawm li cas los xij, peb tab tom tsim kho peb cov kev daws teeb meem txhua lub sijhawm kom txaus siab rau cov kev xav tau tshiab thiab ua raws li kev tsim kho tshiab tshaj plaws ntawm kev lag luam hauv Malta. Peb tau npaj txhij los ntsib cov kev txhawj xeeb thiab ua rau kev txhim kho kom nkag siab txhua qhov muaj peev xwm ua lag luam thoob ntiaj teb.
  • Peb xav tias yooj yim rau kev koom tes nrog lub tuam txhab no, tus neeg muag khoom muaj lub luag haujlwm, ua tsaug.Nws yuav muaj kev koom tes ntau dua.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Steven los ntawm Brisbane - 2017.03.07 13:42
    Tus neeg sawv cev pabcuam cov neeg siv khoom tau piav qhia ntxaws ntxaws, kev pabcuam tus cwj pwm zoo heev, teb tau raws sijhawm thiab dav, kev sib txuas lus zoo siab! Peb vam tias yuav muaj lub sijhawm los koom tes.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Olivia los ntawm New York - 2018.09.08 17:09

    Xa koj cov ntaub ntawv rau peb:


    Xa koj cov ntaub ntawv rau peb: