Cov khoom

High Reputation Fiber Optic Cable Gytc8s - Multi Underground Communication Cables 2 Pairs 20 Pairs 50 Pairs Xov tooj Cable - AIXTON

Peb zoo siab los teb cov lus nug, thov xa koj cov lus nug thiab xaj.

Product Description

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Peb ua raws li peb lub tuam txhab tus ntsuj plig ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity". Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim tus nqi ntau ntxiv rau peb cov kev cia siab nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, cov tshuab tshiab, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam rauPoob Fiber Ftth,Cat6 Unshielded Cable,Cat6 Shielded Network Cable, Peb muaj kev paub txog cov khoom lag luam thiab kev nplua nuj ntawm kev tsim khoom. Peb ib txwm ntseeg tias koj txoj kev vam meej yog peb txoj kev lag luam!
High Reputation Fiber Optic Cable Gytc8s - Multi Underground Communication Cables 2 Pairs 20 Pairs 50 Pairs Xov tooj Cable - AIXTON Nthuav dav:

Khoom taw qhia

Sab hauv xov tooj cables los ntawm 3 mus rau 100 khub, 0.51 hli txoj kab uas hla tooj liab conductors, khoom PE rwb thaiv tsev. Cov khub yog twisted nyob rau hauv units ntawm 25 khub thiab cov no yog twisted los tsim cov tub ntxhais uas muaj kev tiv thaiv nrog ib tug grey PVC sheath. Cov cables no yog siv los ua cov xaim xaim hauv cov tsev.


Ua haujlwm voltage: 250V

Test voltage: 1000V

Tus neeg xyuas pib ua haujlwm: 97.8 Ω / km

Mutual peev:

Capacitance tsis txaus:

Rwb thaiv tsev tsis kam> 500 M.Ω x km

Qhov ntsuas kub -30 ° C ... + 70 ° C

Min. Bending vojvoog 7.5 x cable txoj kab uas hla

Daim ntawv thov

Cov tinned sab hauv xov tooj cables yog siv nyob rau hauv cov neeg siv khoom thiab cov keyboards. Cov cables no muaj halogen-dawb thiab nplaim hluav taws-retardant rwb thaiv tsev thiab sheathing.

Tsis muaj

npe khoom Sab hauv tsev multi-pair xov tooj cable
Cov qauv kev sib kis YD / T838.4-2003
Jacket PVC / LOJ
Cov khoom siv tsav tsheb tooj liab
Tus neeg saib xyuas OD 0.4mm / 0.5mm / 0.6 hli
Armored aluminium daim kab xev
Cov khoom siv rwb thaiv tsev PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Jacket xim dub grey
Qauv xwm txheej Ib lub log
Core naj npawb 200
Yog tias koj muab cov qauv dawb YOG
Pob Ntoo lossis customized spool


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Product details duab:

High Reputation Fiber Optic Cable Gytc8s - Multi Underground Communication Cables 2 Pairs 20 Pairs 50 Pairs Xov tooj Cable - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

High Reputation Fiber Optic Cable Gytc8s - Multi Underground Communication Cables 2 Pairs 20 Pairs 50 Pairs Xov tooj Cable - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

High Reputation Fiber Optic Cable Gytc8s - Multi Underground Communication Cables 2 Pairs 20 Pairs 50 Pairs Xov tooj Cable - AIXTON nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:

Peb txuas ntxiv nrog peb lub siab ua lag luam ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity". Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim kom muaj txiaj ntsig ntau rau peb cov neeg siv khoom nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, lub xeev-ntawm-the-art machinery, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov chaw pabcuam tshwjxeeb rau Alta reputación Cable De Fibra Óptica Gytc8s - Cables de comunicación subterráneo multi 2 pares 20 pares 50 pares de cable telefónico - AIXTON , Cov khoom yuav muab rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Adelaide , Angola , Czech koom pheej , Peb insist rau lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "Credit yog thawj, Cov neeg muas zaub yog huab tais thiab zoo yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws", peb tab tom nrhiav xa mus rau kev sib koom tes nrog txhua tus phooj ywg hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws thiab peb yuav tsim lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm kev lag luam.
  • Lub Hoobkas cov neeg ua haujlwm tsis yog tsuas yog muaj cov thev naus laus zis siab xwb, lawv qib lus Askiv kuj zoo heev, qhov no yog kev pabcuam zoo rau kev sib txuas lus thev naus laus zis.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Mandy los ntawm Mauritius - 2018.05.13 17:00
    Nws tuaj yeem hais tias qhov no yog cov neeg tsim khoom zoo tshaj plaws uas peb tau ntsib hauv Suav teb hauv kev lag luam no, peb xav tias muaj hmoo ua haujlwm nrog cov chaw tsim khoom zoo heev.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Elsie los ntawm Jersey - 2017.01.28 18:53

    Xa koj cov ntaub ntawv rau peb:


    Xa koj cov ntaub ntawv rau peb: