
Advantages of ADSS cable laying

1. Great ability to withstand extreme weather conditions (strong winds, hail, etc.).

2. Strong temperature adaptability and small linear expansion coefficient to meet the needs of harsh environmental conditions.

3.3 The optical cable has a small diameter and light weight, which reduces the impact of ice and strong wind on the optical cable, and also reduces the load on the power tower and maximizes the use of tower resources.

4.4 The optical cableADSSIt does not need to be connected to the power line or the bottom line, it can be erected on the tower independently, and the construction can be carried out without power outages.

5. The performance of the optical cable under high-intensity electric field is extremely superior and will not be subject to electromagnetic interference.

6. It is independent of the power line and easy to maintain.

7. It is a self-supporting optical cable and does not require auxiliary hanging cables such as hanging cables during installation.

ADSS Fibra

Post time: Oct-29-2022

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