
What is single-mode fiber and multimode fiber?

Singlemode fiber (single-mode fiber), light enters the fiber at a specific angle of incidence, and complete emission occurs between the fiber and the cladding. When the diameter is small, only light is allowed to pass in one direction, which It is a single-mode fiber; singlemode fiber; Modal fibers have a thin central glass core, typically 8.5 or 9.5mm in diameter, and operate at wavelengths of 1310 and 1550 nm.

Multimode fiber is afiber which allows transmitting multiple guided modes. The core diameter of a multimode fiber is generally 50mm/62,5m m. Due to the large diameter of the core of a multimode fiber, light can be transmitted in different modes in one fiber. The standard wavelengths for multimode are 850nm and 1300nm, respectively. There is also a new multimode fiber standard called WBMMF (wideband multimode fiber), which uses wavelengths between 850nm and 953nm.

Single-mode fiber and multimode fiber, both with a cladding diameter of 125mm.


Post time: Sep-02-2022

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