
Fiber optic technology powers the Internet and it's big business

EN - 2022 - News - What is the maximum speed of fibre optic cable? |  Prysmian Group Fiber-based networks make up the majority of the Internet backbone. submarine cablesoptical fiber Stretching for thousands of kilometers, they connect continents and exchange data at almost the speed of light. Meanwhile, the massive data centers that host all of our cloud-based applications also rely on fiber connections. Increasingly, these fiber connections go directly to people's homes, giving them fast and reliable Internet. However, only 43% of American households have access to a fiber Internet connection.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act passed in November 2021 promises to close this digital divide, with $65 billion dedicated to expanding broadband internet access to all Americans. Such government support, along with a number of other factors, has led to an increase in demand for fiber products.
To understand the technology behind fiber optic Internet and how the market for fiber products is changing, CNBC visited Corning's fiber optic and cable manufacturing facility in North Carolina. Most famous as the maker of Gorilla Glass for iPhones, Corning It is also the world's largest producer of fiber optics by manufacturing capacity and market share, as well as the largest fiber cable manufacturer in North America. In the second quarter of 2022, Corning revealed that the optical communications business was its largest segment by revenue, reaching sales of $1.3 billion.

Post time: Dec-02-2022

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